Fancy joining the Clydesider team?
We have over 100 volunteers who come from all walks of life and lend a hand in many different ways.
They write articles, take photos, help distribute the magazine and share our posts on social media. Some help with admin and DIY, some provide delicious home-baking for our community events. You can read some of their stories over on the Volunteers page.
The one thing they have in common is a passion for our community and together they help make Clydesider a wee bit different from most newspapers and magazines.
We help increase their skills by running training in community journalism, photography, film-making and social media.
We also have a weekly Community Newsroom where volunteers can meet up, get some 1-1 support with an article or project and help us plan each issue of Clydesider magazine.
Interested in finding out more? Please call Jenny on 01389 381110 or email