What single thing can bring true happiness ?
What can bring a moment’s joy ?
What turns a frown into a smile ?
Each sad thought or tear destroy ?
Is it a sunset over Western Isles ?
Or a baby’s laughing smile ?
A 5-0 win away from home,
Champagne in Paris for a while ?
The stone in an engagement ring,
Or a lovely Chinese meal,
A flash car, a Spanish villa,
Or a puppy’s playful squeal.
A brilliant play, or book, or movie,
Your favourite band upon the stage,
A Christmas present wrapped in tinsel,
But what brings delight at any age ?
The answer’s really simple,
Guaranteed to wipe away the crap,
To bring joy or smiles to anyone,
Just give them ‘bubble-wrap’ !
© Rolf Campbell 7/7/18