Clydesider Creative will be launching a new Cost of Living campaign, thanks to funding from the National Lottery’s Improving Lives fund.
The multi-media project will build on our two-year Claim What’s Yours campaign and aims to raise awareness and challenge stigma associated with financial challenges.
Over the coming year we will work with local media volunteers and community partners to co-create a range of information resources highlighting how and where to find support in West Dunbartonshire.
These will include short films, user-friendly, localised leaflets/booklet and digital infographics.
The resources are aimed at people who either don’t realise what benefits they are entitled to or what support is available, are unaware how to claim them or are reluctant to do so because of the stigma often connected to poverty and the welfare system.
Working with local volunteers we will make all resources as user-friendly and jargon-free as possible.
Amanda Eleftheriades-Sherry, founder of Clydesider Creative and Editor of Clydesider magazine, said: “We’re looking forward to working with our volunteers on this project.
“We learned a lot from them during our Claim What’s Yours campaign and they were keen to see how we could develop it. This project will share their knowledge in a variety of different formats so we hope to reach a much wider audience than the magazine alone can do.
“We will also be working with our local community partners to help share these resources as widely as possible and ensure they reach those who need them most.
“We’re very grateful to the National Lottery Community Fund for supporting this project and to National Lottery players who are helping to fund it.”
And Kate Still, the National Lottery Community Fund, Scotland Chair, said: “Every day National Lottery funding is changing the lives of thousands of people in communities across Scotland for the better.
“This project delivered by Clydesider Creative Ltd, is a great example of community activity in action, showing just what can be achieved when people come together for a common cause or to help others.
“National Lottery players can be proud to know that the money they raise is helping to support this vital work which is making a real difference to so many.”
If you are interested in volunteering with Clydesider and getting involved with either the magazine or this new project please email je***@cl********.org