by Mary Irvine
Last summer’s trial sessions of ‘Storytelling for Adults’ took us on journeys in poetry, prose and video, from local places to all round the world, as local people told their extraordinary stories.
Sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, but all fascinating.
Everyone even had their own drum in the final session, to accompany our African storyteller.
Such was the enjoyment, that a series of new sessions is arranged for this summer.
They are all very different but still told by local people.
We start with the Dumbarton Cine Video Digital Club who will take us on a journey of the equipment used or available when they first set up the club, to today’s high tech.
The club is a very visible force in the area for collecting, restoring, preserving, and cataloguing an extensive archive of local history.
This year is a special anniversary of its founding, so we look forward to their presentation.
Other stories include a traditional teller of Celtic myths and legends, a journey through the Hebrides, a ‘writing’ journey, the myth/legend of Theseus (he who killed the Minotaur), and how one photograph shocked the world.
All the sessions are free and take place the last Tuesday of the month, from 11a.m to 12 noon, from March to September, (excluding July), in the Green Tree Remedy centre, 4, Church Street, Alexandria.
For further information contact: Jo: 07562 333 731 or Mary: 01389 729279
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