Words and Photos by Jenny Watson
Pop into Dalmuir C.E Centre on a Wednesday morning and you will find a hive of creative activity as members of the Wee Scottish Art Group work on their latest artworks.
Originally coming from different art groups locally and wider afield, the members, aged 50 to 80+ years, with varied creative experience in multiple mediums, meet weekly to put brush to paper.
With the vast range of skills and styles in the group, they often help one another and even arrange tuition sessions.
One member is a former art teacher and another a retired architect, so the range of expertise is extensive with a good pool of knowledge to learn from.
Group member and co-secretary Margaret said: “Individuals are so completely different in their talents.
“We are not just artists, a lot of us have many abilities – some embroider, and one member is currently working with special intense paints on t-shirts.”

Committees & Exhibitions
Recently the group had an exhibition of their work in the Town Hall Gallery in Clydebank with over 20 pieces of work on display.
“We did quite well. The exhibition ran for a few weeks, and we sold nine pieces.
“We used to exhibit more throughout the year but not many places offer gallery space any more and some charge quite a lot in display fees” said fellow co-secretary, Ellen.
The art group have an established committee, which is quite unique, with two people filling each of the office roles.
“We have two secretaries, two chair-people, two treasurers.
“When one is not able, the other does. It’s made it much easier for everyone concerned because you don’t feel the pressure.” Margaret explained.
Each member of the group contributes a set amount of money monthly which covers their let of the room, materials, equipment and even teas and coffees.
They also previously received funding to help them with organised trips to galleries and museums.
Linnvale Community Bus helps them with their transport and for that, they are very appreciative of the service.

Always On Display
If you missed the exhibition the Wee Scottish Art Group’s work is always on display in Foodfillas cafe in Sylvania Way in Clydebank shopping centre.
These pieces can be bought, with all proceeds being donated to Macmillan Cancer Support.
So far, the group has raised over £320.
“The owner of Foodfillas is very supportive of our work and would like our arrangement to be ongoing for as long as possible.
“When one piece is bought, it’s replaced by a new one as quickly as possible,” said Ellen.
The group also regularly share work and updates to ‘Call Yersel a Bankie’ on Facebook.
“Art is something that takes you into another world. Something we all look forward to but the best thing about the group, is the friendships,” Margaret added.
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