Working4U is a service which supports West Dunbartonshire residents seeking employment opportunities, provides assistance with benefits and debt issues, helps to access learning, gain qualifications and improve digital literacy.
Our Aim:
“To support customers and communities to improve their skills, learning and financial situations, assisting them on their journey into work and protecting the rights of our citizens.”
Working4U Work offers a wide range of services which support West Dunbartonshire residents who are unemployed or employed, including parents, young people, or anyone looking to get back into work, to gain qualifications or move into a new job.
Working4U Can Help With:
• One to one support for learning, training and finding work
• Funding for training and/or costs associated with starting work
• Assistance with application forms and CVs
• Employability advice and job specific training
• Support with CV writing, application form filling and Interview skills
• Intensive job search assistance
• Work experience/Volunteer opportunities
• Improving numeracy skills through multiply courses
• Community Learning courses
How to Contact Us:
We are based in Alexandria and Clydebank Library every Tuesday from 10am – 12 noon, pop in and see us.
Or complete the online referral form here.
Or Email: AdminEmployability@west-dunbarton.gov.uk
Further information can be found on our web page here.