As we head towards another festive season, the opportunities for overindulgence abound.
Parties and get-togethers at this time of year are often boozy events, and it can be difficult to keep control of your alcohol intake in the whirl of social activity.
Here at DACA, we want everyone to have a safe and hangover-free festive period, so we’re sharing some top-tips for moderation.
• Preparation is key, so when you’re doing your Christmas food shopping, be sure to include some tasty alcohol-free drink options in your trolley.
There are loads to choose from, including beers, wines and even spirits. You’ll be the coolest host and your sober guests will be thrilled.
• If you’ve got a full social calendar, make sure you consciously plan for some alcohol-free days – 3 per week ideally. Your body will thank you for it.
• Day drinking can become normalised during the festive period but drinking Bucks Fizz for breakfast or bubbly with lunch can set us on an unhealthy course for the rest of the day.
Leave your alcohol consumption as late in the day as possible, ideally until after you’ve had dinner.
• Always try and pace your alcohol intake, spacing each alcoholic drink with a soft drink in between. If your tummy feels full, you’re less likely to drink as much.
• Sip your drink and put your glass down between sips. If you hold it in your hand, you’ll sip more often.
• (Always be careful not to leave your drink unattended in a public place. Anti-drink-spiking covers are widely available – collect yours from DACA).
• If you’re going to a pub or club, set a budget in advance. Decide how much you’re comfortable spending and stick to it. Keeping track of costs = keeping track of consumption.
• Avoid ‘rounds’. If you drink in a round-buying group, you might end up pacing yourself to the fastest drinker in the group.
It’s much better to opt out and drink at your own pace. If you are buying rounds, stick to your soft-drink spacing plan.
• Do you give booze as a Christmas gift? It’s not always obvious when a friend, colleague or loved-one is struggling to control their drinking, and giving them alcohol as a gift could cause
unintended harm.
Avoid any pitfalls by keeping alcohol off the gift list.
And if you do find yourself struggling at this time of year, remember the DACA team will be working throughout the festive season, and we’re just a phone call away.
You can call us on 0141 952 0881 (Clydebank) or 01389 731456 (Dumbarton).
Happy Christmas from DACA!