by John Donnelly
The Big Disability Hub in Dalmuir has a range of external service providers offering support with benefit applications.
Cunninghame Solicitors
A small firm of Glasgow-based solicitors their work mainly involves legal advice and representation in relation to disability benefit applications, appeals, power of attorney and guardianship applications. They provide advice regarding self-directed support packages.
Many disabled people are unaware they can get legal advice and assistance from a solicitor which will help maximise their benefits.
Most clients accessing support from Cunninghame Solicitors will qualify for legal aid.
Appointments available in the Big Disability Hub every Monday, telephone to book.
Voice-ability – Advocacy service Mon and Wed
If you are disabled and want support to access benefits from Social Security Scotland, Voice-ability can make sure you’re heard.
Voice-ability advocacy provides free support to access benefits available from Social Security Scotland and is entirely independent from Social Security Scotland.
Cases are referred by the Big Disability Group, telephone or pop into the Big Disability Hub first.
Your advocate will:
- listen to you
- talk
- plan with you what you want to do
- represent you if you are not able to represent yourself
- be fully involved in decisions about your benefits
- complete the process from the point of application, including reviews and any appeals you want to make
Your advocate will not:
- offer counselling or be your friend
- offer legal advice
- make decisions for you
- provide advice or tell you what to do
- make any decisions about what benefits you get
Citizens Advice Bureau – Thurs 10am – 4pm
The Big Disability Hub facilitates a booking conduit to support a client multitude (no drop-in service) – appointment only by telephone, zoom or live chat or website conduit for support.
This article was first published in October 2022 and details were correct at time of publication