Moments of Freedom
Moments of Freedom, led by New Scot women resettled in Clydebank, is a safe space for women to come together to be themselves.
They can make new connections, share their skills and expertise to shape their local community for the meaningful integration of their families.

Cultural Awareness Sharing Sessions
We’re planning community events about sharing what it is to be a Muslim woman, while learning from others about their experiences and perspectives.
Communication is key for understanding each other and makes coming together to learn from each other so much easier.
The cultural sharing sessions are being held online, and from September we’ll be planning to deliver these in person too.
We ran a survey asking what people want to talk about in these sessions.
Local people have been very encouraging and told us they want to learn “how we can celebrate the richness of your culture” and what makes adapting to life in Scotland easier.
The sessions are informal and delivered using different approaches, such as going for walks in nature, gathering to share stories, music, art and food.

Cultural Sharing with Women from Lewis
In early August we hosted an online cultural sharing storytelling event, with older women living in Trust Housing in Lewis.
This was an incredible experience of learning about the history of life for women on the island and seeing the parallels of women from different generations across two different cultures.
The stories we shared highlighted what home means, the ways it can affect your identity and how people perceive you.
As women we have so many stories to share and no person is one story – we are all books and should never judge a book by its cover.

What’s Next?
In September we will be meeting again for the first time in person at Centre 81, planning for all the new work ahead with our cultural sharing sessions and providing peer support to new families being resettled in West Dunbartonshire.
We welcome anyone who wants to get in touch with us to work in partnership, make new connections and share learning to support new community initiatives!
Please find us at www.momentsoffreedom.org