by Angela Clark
Local food aid charity, Food for Thought, is set to expand their services throughout West Dunbartonshire as two new members join the team.
The charity was kept busy during the Covid pandemic delivering emergency food packages.
The increase in team members will see them take to the road and work from three new distribution centres across the community.
As well as their base at St Augustine’s Church hall in Dumbarton they will also be providing support in Alexandria, Dalmuir and Clydebank.
A Food For Thought spokesperson commented: “This new plan was the only way forward for us.
“We have to respond to what is happening in our community and not only alleviate food insecurity for people when we provide food, but provide a much more person-centered approach and deal with the core issues of their circumstances.
“This plan allows us to really focus on the people we support even more and help them back to some level of normality.”
Food For Thought will also continue to work with local partners including DACA, Alternatives, Clydesider magazine, Mental Health Services, West Dunbartonshire Council, DWP and Citizens Advice to serve and support the people within our community.